Can't wait!!

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, May 13, 2010

House pictures ....and a duck!

Here are some finally updated pictures of the house. We did a blueish grey in the front room, and a grey in the kitchen and master room and bathroom. The pictures don't really do it's justice, but that is the best you are going to get for now!! I am in love with it!! It has been a LLLLOOOOONNNNGGGGG journey building it, but i am finally seeing the end result and it is soooo worth it. The odd picure of the grass looking thing is acually a duck in my front of the yard sitting on 7 of her eggs. Odd place. My dad actually was pulling a bunch of tall weeds around the house and was almost done before he realized the eggs sitting there. What a good mommy!! you keep those eggs warm!!!

Justin's birthday

My brother Justin's birthday was on April 30th. He was turning 36 this year.So this is us at his grave site letting go of 36 balloons that had letters and pictures and anything you wanted to put in the balloons for him. The day was a really hard day, but doing this part at the end was actually a lot of fun and more of a celebration just the way he would have wanted it. LOVE YOU JUSTIN!!